Lessons learnt from Epidemics to address Climate Change
Public health emergencies of the likes of epidemics and pandemics have been affecting human life for many years now. Many of these health emergencies have forced humans to bring about radical improvements to the then existing health and safety standards and to improve his living conditions and eventually come out stronger to continue business-as-usual. A public-health-emergency-in-waiting, climate change, is however,

Israel Demography 2004-2020
The Middle East stands out in having a high natural increase rate, especially in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and the western Land of Israel. The natural population increase in these lands amounts to 3-3.5%, the world's highest. The practical meaning of this rate is a doubling of the populations of the region within 25-30 years (see Table 1). In Egypt, the natural increase is around 2%, which means that this population will double within 30-

Israel Demography 2006 - 2020
The Middle East stands out in having a high natural increase rate, especially in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and the western Land of Israel. The natural population increase in these lands amounts to 3-3.5%, the world's highest. The practical meaning of this rate is a doubling of the populations of the region within 25-30 years (see Table 1). In Egypt, the natural increase is around 2%, which means that this population will double within 30-

Tel Aviv State A Threat To Israel
In the 20th century the growth of major cities in the world accelerated, mainly with the entry of motor vehicles as a popular means of transport, and later with the appearance of the airplane. These devices made it possible to skirt provincial towns as places offering services and go straight to the main city. The result is clear: citizens of the world go to and gather at a relatively small number of giant cities at the price of demo

Diffused Warfare The Concept of Virtual Mass
This book was not initiated as an academic endeavor. It is based on ideas and notes accumulated during the spring and summer of 2003, while we were working as a ‘red team’ for Lieutenant-General Moshe “Boggy” Ya’alon, then Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). We thus forgo from the outset any aspiration to the scholarly perfection of systematic academic research...

Controlling Opium Production: The Decisive Point In Stabilizing Afghanistan
Goodison’s experience with what is happening in Afghanistan was acquired while he served there as an officer in the U.S. Air Force. He became knowledgeable about the growing of opium and its becoming a very sought- after commodity, distributed all over the globe. Carl chose to call this drug a “weapon of mass destruction,” and indeed the dimensions of its growth and production in this wretched country arouse amazement; the read

Israel: Demography 2012-2030
This is the fifth edition of the series Israel: Demography. Some editions have appeared in English and German, and were sold out immediately on publication. Since the last edition, Israel: 2007-2020, Demography and Density, 2007, every citizen of Israel has personally felt the realization of the authors’ warning that Israel is becoming most crowded state, a state descending to the Third World, a state that is abandoned by its robus

Israel: Demography 2013-2034
This is the sixth edition of the series Israel: Demography. Some editions have appeared in English, Arabic and German, and were sold out immediately on publication, Since our edition, Israel: 2007-2020, Demography and Density, 2007, it is our belief that by now the well-informed citizenry of Jewish Israel has personally felt the realization of the authors’ warning that Israel is becoming one of the or the most crowded modern state.

Israel’s Challenges – 2016
What are Israel’s elected leaders really dealing with today? Economic leadership, the media, and a steady flow of gossip? With Sarah Netanyahu1, Bar Rafaeli2, and the salary benefits of the nation’s elected? To them, the how and why of the closure of a restaurant owned by a renowned restaurateur and television personality is certainly no less important...

Is Water Really Not Being Fought Over?
The purpose of this article is to point out the problems in the work of two American teams of researchers at Oregon State University and the Pacific Institute for Development Studies, in Oakland, dealing with disputes of water. We maintain that the conclusions suggesting that no water disputes exist – are need to redefine. Likewise, those who consider the drilling or closing down of a well to be of equal importance to a conflict ov